November 2018 Newsletter

Birth Parent Newsletter – November 2018

adoption newsletter 2018

Many adoptive families make the decision to adopt after many years of dealing with infertility. While attending A Act of Love’s orientation meeting, our family came to realize that this was the agency we were going to adopt through.

When we attended the orientation meeting and met with Kathy and Isaac at A Act of Love Adoptions, we were impressed by how warm and welcoming they were. They were upfront about the fees and the whole process. It was really refreshing to see them be so transparent. It really helped set the tone.

Focus on the Birth Parents

Another reason why we selected A Act of Love Adoption was because they not only care for the adoptive parents, but also focuses on the birth parent’s needs.

My first impressions of the organization as a whole was, it is not a place where they just find a baby for a family. A Act of Love is where they actually serve moms and support them. A Act of Love promotes the idea that adoption is a partnership with the agency, birth parents and adoptive family to combine forces to help support the mission of serving birth parents.

A Change of Perspective

A Act of Love changed our perspective about adoption. Just the mere option that I could share God’s love with somebody that I never met, and actually have that be a part of my adoption story, and not just a part of it, but the focal point of it. Adoptive Family

Recognition of November as National Adoption Month

President of the United States

President Trump spoke on adoption, kicking off National Adoption month this November.  During his second annual speech, he described placing a child for adoption or adopting a child as an act of love that enriches American society.

The President went on to say: “Adoption is a blessing for all involved. It provides needed relief to birth parents, who may not, for whatever reason, be in a position to raise a child. It fosters loving homes for children. It enables individuals to grow their families and share their love. And it fosters strong families, which are integral to ensuring strong communities and a resilient country.”

In addition, President Trump highlighted the power of adoption to let women know they are not alone in an unexpected pregnancy.  He stated, “Adoption affirms the inherent value of human life and signals that every child – born or unborn – is wanted and loved. Children, regardless of race, sex, age, or disability, deserve a loving embrace into families they can call their own. This month, we honor the thousands of American families who have grown because of adoption.”

During his address, President Trump encouraged Americans to observe National Adoption Month by helping children in need secure a promising future with a forever family, allowing them to enter adulthood with the love and support they deserve.

Mr. Trump ended his speech by exclaiming, “Adoptive parents are a selfless and loving part of God’s plan for their future children.”

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