Outreach Program
No Commitment and Minimal Fee Prior to Match
Act of Love Adoptions Outreach Program offers approved home studied adoptive families another avenue to continue searching for their baby without commitment and minimal fee prior to a match. As each adoption placement plan is unique, this service offered to the adoption community provides birth parents and approved outreach families an opportunity to find each other, if the right match is not found
within Act of Love full-service families.
With a minimal fee of $375 and pre-qualification, you can expand your opportunities in your search for your baby!
- Have the opportunity to find your baby
- Exposure to birth parents searching for their family on frequently visited AOL website
- Pre-qualify for adoption with AOL
- Easy transition to becoming a full-service adoptive family

- Personalized one-on-one care for all clients
- Best practice adoption services
- Experts in open and closed adoptions
- Support and guidance for successful adoption experience
- Over 20 years of operating experience
- More than 100 years of combined expertise in the field
- Legacy of serving thousands of birth parents, adoptive families and children
- Post-adoption support and guidance
- Counseling and support prior, during and after to support adoption plan
- Experience to successfully navigate all types of adoptions
- Services for individuals and other adoption professionals to complete adoption plans
- Nationwide outreach
- Experienced in interstate adoptions
- Established relationships throughout the U.S. with adoption professionals
It is one of AOL’s foremost goals, as adoption professionals, to share information and assist in providing support to all the children brought into the world by their birth parents and placed with their family through adoption.
**All placement opportunities are presented first to adoptive families who have paid application and other fees. All applicable fees and expenses including application fees are due immediately upon match along with required documents.
Easy Steps to Approval in Act of Love’s
Outreach Program:
To submit an Outreach application, please follow the steps outlined below. Once all items below are complete, submit application and $375 fee to Outreach Program at outreach@aactofloveadoptions.com for application approval or mail to 9561 S. 700 E. Ste. 101, Sandy, Utah 84070. Application to the AOL Outreach Program requires a minimal pre-qualification fee of $375, but does not otherwise commit applicant to Act of Love Adoptions. Call us today to get started at 888-767-7740 or 801-572-1696.
- Complete Application for Services and Information
- Complete Act of Love Options Choices form (Please select Option 1 or Option 2.)
- Complete Act of Love Notification of Consumer Rights & Responsibilities
- Provide Act of Love with an original signed, notarized copy (current within one year of approval) of home study and copy of current agency license
- Provide copies of (current within one year) State and FBI Criminal Background Checks and Child Abuse Clearances (AOL does require current FBI clearance.)
- Signed copy of Outreach Requirements Document [aol_button href="https://aactoflove.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/AOL.Outreach-Program-Letter-Jan-2016.pdf"]Download Outreach Letter[/aol_button]
- Provide a 300 word synopsis of your family to be viewed on the AOL website
- Provide PDF of birth parent letter
- Mail Act of Love three copies of birth parent letter
***Applicant will be responsible for keeping all documents with Act of Love updated and current within one year, as well as, notifying Act of Love of any significant changes to application. It is also applicant’s responsibility to notify home study agency social worker of any changes, assistance needed and placement.
Process Following Submission of Required
Outreach Program Items:
- Outreach application is reviewed by AOL for approval
- When approved, information regarding current Outreach situations can be provided to applicant
- Once matched, all applicable fees and required documents for the adoption are due immediately. The regular AOL fee schedule is used in determining fees due for the adoption. A Breakdown of Costs for the adoption will be provided for review and signature.
- Applicant must also comply with all applicable AOL policies for adoptive applicants prior to placement.
***Outreach applicants are pre-qualified with AOL and can easily make the decision to transfer file to AOL full-services program by paying applicable fees and complying with required adoptive family policies prior to placement. Fees are non-refundable.