The Adoption Agency That Makes it Personal

A Act of Love Adoptions helps birth parents and families with adoption services that best fit their needs.

Welcome to A Act of Love Adoptions

At A Act of Love, we care about your hopes and dreams. Our adoption agency is known for helping thousands of birth parents to achieve their goals and adoptive families to fulfill their dreams to have a family. The main benefits of choosing A Act of Love is that our team is committed to providing you a personalized experience. Here are the main services we provide:

Counseling and Support

Pregnancy HelpWe offer counseling and support throughout your pregnancy and the adoption process.  Our team is here to listen and answer any questions or concerns you may have about the adoptions process.

Financial and Legal

Medical HelpAssistance with pregnancy related expenses can be arranged if needed. Depending on the state you live they may include pregnancy delivery expenses, travel costs, housing help, utilities, grocery needs, as well as adoption related legal fees.

Medical Help

Medical HelpWe offer assistance with pregnancy related medical care.  We can assist with travel to doctor visits and with your medical care expenses.


Medical HelpIf you would like to relocate, we have safe and comfortable housing options available. If you choose to stay in your home state, we can still help support you and find housing near you. Pregnancy related support in your home state will depend on your state laws.

Post Placement

Post Placement SupportWe will continue to be there for you after the adoption takes place. Counseling and support is available.  Act of Love will help with communication with the adoptive family after placement.

Spotlight Families


Kelby and Lynsey

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know more about us. We are so excited to embark on this journey together to complete our family. We...

David & Kara

Dear Birth Parent, Your qualities of courage and love are incredible. We have a deep respect for birth parents, and for you. We want you to know that we think...
Adoption Services
A Act of Love Adoptions in Utah
Adopt A Baby
Birth Mother
Adoptive Parents
Adoption Agency in Utah

Frequently Asked Questions

Approved Families

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Adoptive Families

Pregnant? Reach Out to Us 24/7

Call us At 1-800-835-6360
Text to 801-450-0094

Your information is 100% confidential

We Listen

We Will Always Listen to You

You will not have to worry. We will always listen to you. We are here to answer all of your questions and help soothe your concerns. Our full services are here to help ease the anxiety throughout your plan of adoption with ongoing emotional support and guidance. We will explain all of the financial costs upfront, before matching, to ease your concerns.

25 years of experience doing adoption

More Than 30 Years of Experience

We have over 30 years of experience and adoption knowledge. Our staff has personal adoption experience and an excellent reputation.

We have helped thousands of adoptive families and birth parents to experience the miracle of adoption. We work with adoption attorneys and agencies throughout the United States.

A Act of love team
We Care

Our professional adoption services are provided by a loving and caring staff.  Each person is different and we will work with your individual needs.

We Counsel

We provide our clients with counseling and guidance throughout their adoption experience.

We are a national Agency

We do Outreach

We network and outreach with birth parents to find the best option for their needs and goals.

3 Steps Away From an Act of Love

Introduce Yourself


Our professional adoption services are provided by a loving and caring staff.

Application form

Fill Out The Application

We will send you the application and help you to fill it out.

We Care

Experience an
Act of Love

You will then experience the beautiful gift of adoption.


A Act of Love Adoptions

We Are The Adoption Agency That Makes it Personal

Adoption can be overwhelming and intimidating at times. Act of love is here to guide you and make your adoption journey easier. We have a loving, dedicated team ready to help! We take every case personally and won't stop until you are satisfied.

Birth Parents Contact

Call us 25/7

Call us At 1-800-835-6360
Text to 801-450-0094

Your information is 100% confidential

Introduce Yourself

You are one step away from learning how A Act of Love Adoptions can help you. Start introducing yourself by filling out the form below. (We value your privacy, your information will be confidential and secure).

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