Getting Settled and Creating Your Adoption Plan
You will begin receiving pregnancy/adoption counseling immediately after you complete your Application for Services with the adoption agency. The adoption counselor will help you assess your needs and the issues/areas that you would like to address during your counseling. You will likely have many questions regarding your feelings, family, friends, relationship with the birth father and your plans for your baby’s future and your own.
It is important to remember that you do not need to tackle all of your issues at once. Depending on when you begin your counseling with the adoption agency, you will have time to talk about the issues and concerns during several sessions. Having a counselor that cares about your well-being and you can trust will help you to create a comfortable adoption plan and give you peace of mind. Talking with your family and friends will be important and having a counselor that can be your confidant and provide you a safe and non-judgmental place to prepare yourself is an important part of you being healthy and happy.
Your caseworker will help you visit a doctor to care for you and your baby’s medical needs. The adoption agency will talk frequently with you to help coordinate your plan and help with any questions or needs that arise. Your needs may include items such as; transportation, phone, housing, utilities, food, pregnancy clothing, medical and legal assistance and other services related to the pregnancy. Once your immediate needs have been met and you are feeling comfortable, you will begin creating an adoption plan of your choice that will best fit your situation.
You will decide such things as:
- Type of adoptive family you would like
- If you would like to choose the adoptive family or have the agency select the adoptive family
- If you want to meet or talk with the adoptive family
- Whether you will want to choose an open or closed adoption
- What parameters would you like for an open adoption – letters & pictures and/or visits or contact through social media
- Who you want at the hospital when the baby is born
- When and how much time you want to spend with the baby in the hospital
- Setting up financial and emotional support during your confinement period
Call today to find out more about an adoption plan.
24/7 at 800-835-6360