Skylar shares her personal experience with her open adoption. She shares her true feelings both as she was going through the process and now a few years later when she can look back on her experience with clarity and see how far she has come today.
Call today to speak with Skylar or with another birth parent that has experienced placing their child for adoption. Call 24/7 at 1-800-835-6360 or text 801-450-0094.
Act of Love Adoptions has been helping birth parents for over twenty years. These women love to share their story with others and to help in any way they can. Some placed twenty years ago and some have placed recently. We love these brave and fearless women who gave the ultimate gift of love to their child and to a family. Now they want to share their experience with you and hopefully bring you some peace and comfort.
Skylar shares her feelings about questions she hears regarding her adoption. Questions like: Do you ever get to talk to the adoptive parents? Do you they send you pictures? Do you have any type contact? AND the big question…Will you ever get to see him or talk to him?
“These are all questions that…kind of startle me in a way. My friend was just being curious, but inwardly I kind of died a little with each question. No, I do not get to talk to his parents. Yes, I get pictures but only once a year. Yes, I have a form of contact-I get one update every year around his birthday that includes some pictures and a letter. No, I never get to see him or talk to him.”
Skylar shares that even today these questions can bring tears to her eyes…Will you get to see him one day?
“Inwardly, my heart swells with hope and joy because I know that I will get to meet him again one day. I feel like it will be a really cool experience.”
Skylar also shares the questions that she had for the adoption agency as she was going through the process about meeting her son in the future. She had questions about how adoptive parents tell their children that they are adopted.
“Birth parents need not fear these things if they are on the same page as the adoptive parents. Most adoptive parents want their children to know where they come from and who their birth parents are. Most adoptive parents want the birth parents to write letters and send pictures. (Matt’s mom and dad told me in the last update that they were happy about the letters I wrote to him the months prior to them sending an update. They were a bit worried because I had not been writing as frequently.) Most adoptive parents want their children to meet their birth parents and have a relationship with them.”
Birth parents select the type of adoption plan and their child’s family, if they choose. Counselors will be helpful to you as you choose the type of adoptive family that you want and the type of contact you want after the adoption. Skylar chose a semi-open adoption plan and she chose her family. It was important to Skylar to be able to talk to her adoptive family and ask them how committed they would be to honoring a semi-open adoption plan.
Skylar says, “They absolutely were open to a semi-open adoption and verbalized their commitment to that…and they have committed to that.”
Skylar encourages birth parents as they select their adoptive family to interview potential families and ask them how committed they will be to honoring the adoption plan and post-adoption contact. The adoption team at Act of Love will look out for your best interest as you decide what is best for your baby. Adoptive families understand the commitment and that the contact is important to their birth parent and child.
“The angels at AAOL genuinely want to help you find what you need and want.” Skylar