The more I see how valuable it is to have a two parent home, the more grateful I am that I had the courage to be honest with myself about raising a third child. Raising a child as a single parent is not a bad thing-I am raising two of my own-but for me, providing Matthew with a two parent home is not something I regret.
The real assessment is not always, “Can I do this? Can I be a single parent?” It is possible. It happens every day, and those families are not unlike any other family. There is love in the home, as well as success. However, I knew that I could not give Matthew the life I wanted for him, and that was just one of the many reasons I felt adoption was truly right for our situation.
If you need help considering your options, call
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In my case, had I decided to keep Matthew for myself, he would have been raised in a single parent home. I would have had to have two jobs, and I would not have wanted that for any of my children. There was once a time, when Edward and Matthias were babies, when I was leaving the house at 7am and not getting back until 1030pm. I was going to school full time and working full time. I hardly ever saw my babies. I missed out on a lot, and I missed much of those precious moments of their infant-hood.
I do not want to ever do that again. In retrospect, I can see the benefits of making that sacrifice. Earning a degree has truly been a blessing in my life. However, I also acknowledge that if I can help it, I will not do that again. I love my children more than life, and I will continue to make sacrifices for them, just not at the expense of never seeing them.
The reality of single parenting is that oftentimes, one income is not enough to sustain a family of four. The reality is that more time will be spent working to make ends meet than time spent with your family. The reality is that you will miss work in order to take your baby to the doctor for check-ups or because your baby is sick. Then you are faced with the loss of income plus the possibility of losing your job due to excessive absences. The reality is harsh, not impossible, but not without great sacrifice.
The Act of Love staff can help you figure out what is right for you. The adoption agency has experience with many different situations and the outcome of the decisions that people make. They cannot make the decision for you, but they can give you much of the information you need to help you make a decision. They can offer an objective perspective that can help you decide what is best for you and your family. Call now at 1-800-835-6360 – 24/7.