October 2019 Newsletter

Happy October everyone! We hope that you are enjoying this beautiful fall weather. The leaves are changing, the air is starting to feel crisp, and we are reminded of the beauty of this earth. Appreciating the beauty around us is a way to show our gratitude for the blessings in our lives. As beautiful as nature is at this time of year, the people in our lives bring even more beauty, meaning, and love.

Service Project

This past month we participated in our quarterly service project. We assembled hygiene kits for both male and female teens living in the homeless shelter. We delivered the kits to the Volunteers of America Utah donation Center here in Salt Lake City, Utah. Our prayers are with these teens who are going through difficult times.


This month we also posted a Halloween video called Dark Lord Funk a Harry Potter parody video, it was a very popular video that generated millions of views. One of the interesting facts is that both young men who played Harry Potter and Voldemort were adopted. You can enjoy the video here

Questions & Answers

Technology is changing the way we interact. One of the latest big changes is the use of voice search to get answers from the internet. When people run a voice search 95% of the time is a question. Because of that, A Act of Love will be answering questions in video format to make it easier for people to find adoption related answers through search networks.

Birth Mom Becky

As part of our Facebook Live videos for the month of October, we decided to bring in one of our amazing birth moms. We interviewed Becky and asked her questions about adoption and her amazing experience and decision of having her baby adopted. If you are planning to adopt or place your baby for adoption, you will benefit a lot from Becky’s experience and testimonial with the A Act of Love, you can check out the interview here.


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