The best way to begin the adoption process is by searching and looking for the adoption agency that best fits your needs.  The agency you choose should give you confidence in their skill and ability, along with a comfortable feeling; a feeling that they will be there to support you from beginning to long after you are placed with your baby.

Some things to look for in a private domestic adoption agency:

  • Do they have a current license to offer private domestic adoption services?
  • Are they in good standing with their state licensing?
  • How long have they been providing adoption services?
  • Are their testimonials positive regarding their adoption practices?
  • What sense do you get about the treatment of  their clients?
  • Do they provide full-services including counseling and support to birth parents?
  • How long do they provide counseling and post-adoption support to their birth parents?
  • What types of support do they offer to birth parents after placement?
  • What is their percentage of placements after a match has been made?
  • How responsive were they to your request for information?
  • What were your first impressions? Where they friendly, knowledgeable and confident?
  • Was the information they provided thorough?
  • How many adoptions do they complete in a year?
  • Are they transparent in their disclosure of the fees and potential cost of the adoptions?
  • Were they compassionate and understanding of your situation?

The list seems long…

Although the list seems long, this journey in your life is likely one of the most important, if not the most important journey you will take.  Take your time as you research and really pay attention to the small details.  Adoption professionals that have been providing quality services for a good amount of time will be confident and polished in their answers and responses.  They will listen to your needs and try to bring you comfort and confidence in your decision to adopt.

Financing your adoption…

The expenses involved with the adoption process take a significant commitment; however, they are not likely greater than other things you have invested in.  If you take some time to put the costs in perspective and research where the fees are going, along with the quality of services you are receiving, you will be able to have clarity with this part of the process.  It is important to try and put the cost of the adoption in perspective and make a plan for financing your adoption.  Many adoptive families have been in your position and are successful in financing their adoption.

Talk to others who have adopted

Ask the adoption agency for references and talk with adoptive families that have worked with the agency to build their family.  Not only can you find written testimonials, but you can talk with others that have adopted from the agency.

Trust your intuition and instincts…

Most of all, trust yourself.  Be confident in your search for the right adoption agency and don’t be afraid to ask questions and educate yourself on the process.  You need to be in charge of your decisions and know that you will be in good hands.  Follow this link for testimonials

Contact us today to learn more about the adoption process.  We want to help you build your family through adoption.

(801)572-1696 or 888-767-7740

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