Growing Your Family Through Adoption
Statistics show that about one out of every 25 families has adopted children. The number of families adopting continues to increase each year. Families growing their families through private domestic adoptions, by using private adoption agencies and adoption attorneys to complete an adoption plan. Other families are choosing to adopt internationally through adoption agencies that are Hague certified, as well as adoption placements through the foster care system.
Birth parents are searching for adoptive parents that will provide their children with safe, loving and forever families. As birth parents seek to find an adoptive family that is perfect for their child, they will look in many different avenues. They may choose to browse multiple websites for adoptive family profiles, look for adoption agencies and other adoption professionals that can provide them with adoptive parent portfolios, search Facebook and other social media sites for adoptive parents that are advertising and searching to find their baby to adopt.
Adoption agencies provide the benefit of full-adoption services to both adoptive families and birth parents. The adoption counselors, case workers and staff give support in many different ways. The team helps birth parents and adoptive families:
- Navigate the application process
- Provides counseling to make decisions that will be best for each in their adoption plan
- Supports adoptive families finding birth parents and birth parents seeking adoptive families
- Provides assistance with communication and support during the matching process
- Present and available at the hospital to ensure birth parents and adoptive families have a good hospital experience
- Educates both about open, semi-open and closed adoptions
- Assists with the consent and placement documents
- Helps direct post-adoption communication
- Provides the care for birth parents and baby
- Brings the knowledge and experience of completing hundreds of adoptions from start to finish
- Adoption agencies support the whole experience and build healthy and lasting relationships for the adoption triad.
We celebrate the beauty of adoption and the loving and happy homes birth parents choose for their children to be loved.
Call today to talk with experienced and caring staff.
Birth Parents call 24/7 to 800-835-6360 or Text 801-450-0094
Find Adoptive Families
FREE and Confidential Services Available
Adoptive Families call 888-767-7740