Tate & Taylor

Tate & Taylor - 3

Dear Friend,

We pray for you every day—for your health, your happiness, your confidence, and perhaps most importantly, your peace. We admire and respect you and are incredibly grateful for the chance you are taking to get to know us. We hope that our words convey just how excited we are to grow our family and how honored we would be to accept the responsibility to love and parent your child.

If you were a fly on the wall at our house you may see tickle fights, family dinner, dance parties, a card game, a trip being planned, a walk around the neighborhood, Tate coming home early from work so we can have a family night at the golf course, reading books, cuddling on the couch with our favorite show and favorite movie theatre popcorn, baking treats for family (and always sneaking a bite of the batter), praying in gratitude, playing in our fun yard, and a whole lot of love. We can’t wait to add another little one to the mix! If you choose to place your baby with us, we’d love to stay connected with you so you can continue to have glimpses into their life.

What I love about Taylor, written by Tate: 

Taylor has been my best friend since I was 12 years old. She is so thoughtful and always knows what she can do to help other people feel loved. She is always so excited to take on new challenges and is willing to try anything. She has a deep appreciation for snacks, traveling, a good book, and a good walk. Taylor is a source of courage--with her by my side

I've accomplished things I didn't think I could. Taylor improves the life of everyone she makes contact with--she is a force for good in the world and stands up for those who cannot do so themselves. She is a loving mother, wife, daughter, and aunt. She is the best of the best.

What I love about Tate, written by Taylor: 

Tate is the best husband and best friend that I could ever ask for. He takes such great care of our family and always puts us first. Tate makes me laugh every single day—he is witty and makes everyone feel right at home with his sense of humor. He's a loyal friend and is generous beyond belief--he always puts the needs of others before his own and doesn’t think twice about it. Tate is an excellent listener and has a way of saying exactly what you need to hear. It’s not rare for his friends and family to call him to talk things through and seek his support. Tate loves big and takes life by the reigns--I’m so happy I get to do life with him.  

What we love about Leo, written by Tate & Taylor: 

Leo is curious, active, happy, clever, and above all, empathetic. He is constantly moving 100 miles an hour, but will stop dead in his tracks if he sees that someone is upset and say, “What happened? You alright?” and then proceed to wrap his arms around them in the best hug. Leo loves his cousins, arts and crafts, playing outside, cooking, swimming, popsicles, peanut butter toast, riding in the car, singing, and reading books. We often say he’ll probably grow up to be a tradesman or an engineer because he’s always trying to figure out how things work. Leo is the biggest helper and is always quick to listen when someone asks him to do something. He loves holding babies and is so gentle with his younger cousins—we know he’ll love being a big brother. Leo has taught us how to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. His happiness, laughter, and sweet innocence are such a light in our home. It's hard to sum up our love for Leo in just a few short words, because honestly, we love everything about him! 

Our promise to you:

  • We promise to be open with your child about their adoption story, and to instill in them that it is something to be proud of. We will love being able to tell them about you and how much you love them.
  • We promise to teach them to be kind and to be the bigger person.
  • We promise to be a safe place for them to turn to ask questions and share their feelings.
  • We promise to help them work through and learn from mistakes that they will make.
  • We promise to create an environment where they will laugh, be happy, and grow into the wonderful person you are imagining that they can be.
  • We promise to LOVE them as you would have us love them. We don’t take this responsibility lightly.

No matter what you decide, please know that we are cheering you on from the sidelines. The amount of love that you are showing by making this decision speaks volumes to the type of person that you are.

All our love,
Tate & Taylor

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