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Dear Birth Parent,

Thank you for considering us as the family to adopt your baby! We are so grateful for you and your courageous decision to place your baby for adoption.

Justin & Olivia

Fun Facts:

  • We’ve Been Married 14 years
  • We Both Love Music
  • We Love Soccer
  • We Love the Beach

How We Arrived at Our Decision to Adopt:

Our family hasn't felt whole for a really long time! We have been trying and praying for another baby for years.

We recently found out that having another baby won't be possible on our own. We're so thankful that you are making the amazing decision to place your baby so our dream can still come true!

The Way Olivia Views Justin

"Justin is an amazing Dad! He works hard to provide for the family, spends extra time helping the kids with their goals, and always takes time to listen."

More About Justin:

Justin has a Master’s Degree & works as a Certified Hand Therapist. Some of his hobbies include: comedy improv, playing video games, ALL things soccer, playing guitar & singing, writing, watching movies, & spending time with family.

 The Way Justin Views Olivia

"Olivia is the most amazing mother! She's nurturing and creative, loves teaching, and is seriously playful. If she could, she would just play with them all day."

More About Olivia:

Olivia is a Stay-at-Home Mom, and a licensed Hairstylist. Some of her hobbies include: crafting & sewing, grilling/smoking meat/baking, singing & playing the piano, playing with her kids, health & fitness, watching movies, reading, being outdoors, & soccer.


Fun Facts:

  • We LOVE dressing up for Halloween!!!
  • It’s family tradition to get something new to wear on Easter
  • We love to celebrate our freedom & enjoy fireworks
  • The kids get new Christmas jammies each year on Christmas Eve

Family Time--Family Time Is Our Favorite Time!

Some Things We Enjoy as A Family:

  • New Restaurants
  • The Zoo & Aquarium
  • Adventures to places like: Sea Lion Caves, the Beach, Multnomah Falls, & Yaquina Head Lighthouse
  • Road Trips
  • Hiking
  • Soccer Games

 Meet Reign

Reign is 10 years old and in 4th grade. He plays soccer as keeper, dances hip hop, speaks Chinese, and loves Science. He is a great big brother and would do anything to protect his siblings!

Why Reign wants a baby sibling:

“I want a new baby sibling so then I can have someone to protect and love!”

Meet Eve

Eve is 7 years old and in 3rd grade. She plays soccer, dances, speaks Chinese, and loves "girl time". She is a peacemaker and a wonderful big sister.

Why Eve wants a baby sibling:

"I want a new baby sibling because we can play together and it'd be fun to have a little sister!”

Meet Maik’el

Maik'el is 4 years old (almost 5) and does preschool from home. He plays soccer, dances hip hop, loves riding his bike and scooter, and is willing to help anyone in need. He has such a loving heart and can't wait to be a big brother!

Why Maik’el wants a baby sibling:

"I want a baby in our family to be nice and kind and to help make the baby happy when they cry."

  Our Extended Family

We feel so loved, and so blessed, to have such an amazing and supportive family! Everyone has been excited for us and our decision to adopt. We have Grandpas and Grandmas who can’t wait to spoil a new baby, Aunts and Uncles, and lots of cousins to play with.

Our Openness

We look forward to an open adoption, to whatever extent you feel comfortable. Our story is unique because Olivia found herself in a similar situation to yours 18 years ago when she placed her baby boy for adoption. Now as we are struggling with infertility, we have come full circle to experience the adoptive parent side of placement. We have a greater level of compassion for, and a real understanding of, Birthmothers. We know the importance and need of pictures and letters to heal and have peace of mind.

We are ready and anxious to love your baby and provide the best life we can for her. She will have 3 older siblings/best friends to play with and learn from. She will have both a mom and a dad who will cherish and adore every moment of her life. We will talk to her about the wonderful angel who gave us our precious gift. And when she has questions about this angel, we will tell her about YOU! We are praying for you and look forward to a lifetime of friendship.

With Love,

Justin, Olivia, Reign, Eve, & Maik'el

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