

Dear Expectant Parent,

If you decide adoption is the best path for you and your child, I hope that you will consider me as the person you entrust to infinitely love and care for your child. Please know that no matter what decision you choose to make, I am praying for you, your child, and your family.

I am a passionate person who values family and faith above all else. I am the glue of my family, always bringing people together to connect, laugh, love, and spend time together. I am a leader, mentor, coach, and teacher with experience building trusting relationships with kids. I pray for the opportunity to build a strong bond with my future child.

I share the most significant moments of my life with my mom, dad, and three older brothers. I am grateful to be part of our family. They regularly voice their support and encouragement for me to pursue adoption.

I also have 11 nieces and nephews, two of whom are adopted. I love spending time with them. Everyone is ready to welcome a new baby cousin.

I live in a beautiful and safe suburban community, minutes from the mountains, hiking trails, parks, and many outdoor activities. I am fortunate to work from home, which gives me the opportunity to spend valuable time with my future child developing a loving, caring relationship.

Here are some of my interests:

• Family vacations, most recently to San Diego and Lake Tahoe
• Mountain get-aways in the summertime
• Running, Hiking, and Biking
• Movies
• Sports Game or Concert

I hope this letter gives you some insight into my life and confidence that you are making the right choice if you choose to place your trust in me.

With Love and Respect,



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