Dear Birth Parent,
Thank you for considering our family and taking the time to get to know us better! We think you are awesome for looking into what will be best for you and your baby! We will be praying for you and your little one! We love and respect you already, and will share those feeling with your little one! We would welcome an open adoption, and will fully support what you and your future little one decide is best for your relationship.
We, Johnny and Kim, grew up in the suburbs, then lived in the city for a few years, and we both decided that we wanted to move to the country. We wanted our kids to have room to run around and have adventures, and where we could raise animals. We currently live on 40 acres with our two children, and have a small family farm where we raise all the meat we eat. We love it here, and spend a lot of time at home when we aren't at church or hanging out with friends.
One of the strengths of our family is we've always had a strong, happy marriage (For more than 11 years of our lives!) and our two kids have a strong friendship with each other, and are thrilled at the idea of having a younger sibling! Wolf loves making babies laugh and Mariel loves the idea of playing with a little brother or sister. We promise that your child will have a stable home and will be very well loved by us and our extended family!
We love kids and always wanted three or four. For over four years now, however, we have dealt with infertility, miscarriages, and an ectopic pregnancy, where Kim's tube ruptured. After praying about it, we felt that we were supposed to grow our family through adoption.
All of us are so excited to have more kids in our family. We have room in our lives and in our hearts and feel so honored that you would take the time to learn more about us and see if we are a good fit for your little one. We wish you the best! Please let us know if you have any questions, or if you think we might be a good fit for your baby.
Johnny, Kim, Wolf, and Mariel
About Johnny:
Johnny is the oldest of 5 kids. His two youngest siblings were adopted from Russia. He is a senior software engineer, and his hobbies include trail running, hiking, weight lifting, and reading (mainly science fiction and history). His personality is hard working, loyal, friendly, laid back, independent, and adventurous. One fun fact about him is that he likes to run barefoot.
About Kim:
Kim is the youngest of three. She is a stay at home mom and homeschools our two kids, Wolf and Mariel. Her hobbies include volleyball, hiking, cooking Asian food, pilates, writing, and reading (mainly fantasy and biographies). She is kind, compassionate, loyal, creative, and encouraging. One fun fact is that she taught English in Japan after college and loves learning about other cultures.