Jason and Kellie


Dear Birth Parent,

We hope this message finds you well.  We can only imagine the weight of emotions you may be experiencing during this time, and we want to assure you that we approach this process with the utmost respect, empathy, and understanding.

Please allow us to introduce ourselves.  We are Jason and Kellie, a hopeful adoptive couple.

Jason is fun-loving and personable.  He can start and hold a conversation with anyone.  Jason has many friends and is liked by everyone he meets.  He is also empathetic, generous, and loyal.  He loves making people happy!  Jason works as a technology consultant.  He is hardworking, detail oriented, and driven.  His knowledge and skills make him the go-to person in the family for all technology needs.  Some of Jason’s interests include history and cycling.  He has a very extensive World War II collection!  Jason is a member of a local cycling club.  He frequently participates in group rides and bike races.

Kellie is friendly and reliable.  She is also compassionate, understanding, and faithful.  Kellie is always there for her family and friends whether it is to celebrate birthdays and other milestone events or provide help and support in times of need.  Kellie is a middle school teacher.  She began her career teaching special education.  She currently teaches reading.  Kellie is dedicated, responsible, and organized.  Some of Kellie’s interests include running and reading.  Not only does she love to go for a solo run after work, but she also enjoys participating in organized events.  Kellie loves to unwind with a good book.  Her favorite genre is literary fiction.

As a couple, we are active and adventurous.  Some of our shared interests include:  biking, live music, theater, sports, traveling, and dining out.  We also have strong family values.  Jason is the proud dad of Mitchell and Claire, and Kellie loves being their bonus mom. 

Mitchell is an outgoing young man.  He has many friends who he loves spending time with.  Mitchell is kind, appreciative, and articulate.  He is also very responsible.  He has his driver’s license, and he attends a STEM high school where he earns straight As.  He also works part time as a banquet server.  Mitchell plans to go to college for civil engineering.  Mitchell has many interests.  Like his father, Mitchell is a collector.  He has a very impressive collection of Star Wars memorabilia!  He also enjoys building Legos, playing video games, and mastering Escape Rooms.  Mitchell used to play baseball.  Now he enjoys watching the Phillies play! 

Claire is a sweet and loving little girl.  She likes making new friends and playing with her cousins.  She also enjoys being around younger children.  Like her father, Claire frequently shows sympathy for others whether it be a loved one, a classmate, or someone she sees on TV.  Claire is in elementary school.  She likes school and takes pride in her work.  Claire loves to read!  She currently wants to be a police officer when she grows up.  Claire is active, daring, and creative.  She plays soccer and takes hip hop and ballet dance classes.  She loves the rock-climbing wall at summer camp and likes fast amusement park rides.  Claire also enjoys coloring, drawing, and crafts.

We look forward to our time with Mitchell and Claire whether it is spent carrying out day to day routines or making lifelong memories through fun and new experiences.  Some of our family interests and traditions include:  hiking, kayaking, picnicking, watching movies, playing games, camping, going on vacations, and celebrating holidays and other special occasions with family and friends.  

We are extremely fortunate to have a very caring and loving extended family, consisting of grandparents, parents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews.  Each and every one of them has expressed their shared happiness and excitement in the possibility of us growing our family through adoption.  

We are motivated to adopt because, despite our infertility issues, we have a lot of love to give!  All four of us have personally experienced how much a new child could enrich our lives as we recently fostered a newborn to 19 months of age.  

We have created a warm, loving home where a child can thrive, and we are committed to providing a stable and nurturing environment, filled with laughter and love.  We live in a modern, two-story house with four bedrooms and a finished basement.  We have a front yard and a back yard where we can go sledding and play in the snow during the winter and then barbecue, play catch, and make s’mores and mountain pies around the fire during the summer.  Our home is part of a small, friendly development located in the suburbs with parks, ice cream shops, and recreational trails nearby.  

If you choose to entrust us with the privilege of becoming parents to your precious child, we promise to cherish your child with all our hearts, to celebrate your child’s individuality, and to support your child in reaching his/her fullest potential.  We are ready to embark on this journey with openness, honesty, and unconditional love.

Thank you for considering us as potential adoptive parents.  We hold immense respect for the strength and courage you possess, and we are humbled by the possibility of welcoming a child into our lives through your selfless act of love.

With warmest regards,

Jason and Kellie


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