Dear Sweet Parent(s),
We are so excited to grow our family through adoption! Adoption has already made a huge impact in our life because of McKell’s large multi-cultural adoptive family. She was adopted at eight days old through A Act Of Love. It’s hard to believe that here we are 24 years later and walking the same path her parents did. We are so looking forward to continuing that with our own little one.
We have been on an infertility journey that has, without reservation, brought us to this path of adoption. We are so excited! McKell has grown up in a family of ten adopted children with all different ethnicities and backgrounds. McKell herself is adopted and was born to a biological mother that was adopted from Korea when she was a baby. What an amazing journey to continue! We’ve seen first-hand the joy, anxiety, miracles, and heartache that come with the journey of adoption.
We have been married for two and a half years. We went to high school together but never hung out until three years post-graduation; then the timing was perfect! We’ve spent the first couple of years moving all over the country and traveling. Our first recollection of each other was in third grade. We had the same teacher and Cody’s mom was the room mom. After we started dating, Cody’s mom, said that he would come home from school and talk about this pretty girl, McKell, that was in his class. Little did we know back then that we were going to get married, and little did we know when we married our path to parenthood would be adoption.
A bit about McKell:
Hi! I’m the fourth of ten adopted kids! We’re all different races, and we love learning about each one! I’ve been surrounded by little kids my whole life and knew from a pretty young age that I wanted to be a mom. My parents have been incredible role models and my family is all very close. I have been very active my whole life! I played a lot of sports growing up and still do today! I would say I have more of a shy personality, but I think my family would say I’m more outgoing and stubborn! I love spending time with family and feel very blessed that we live so close to them!
A bit about Cody:
I come from a loving family with both parents and 3 kids. I have an older brother and a younger sister, and we all have strong relationships with our parents!! My parents were fantastic examples and helped me understand the kind of dad I wanted to be in the future! I spent a lot of my time working in residential construction with my dad and older brother. It taught me a lot of hard work and other important values that served me well as I started my career doing sales. Most people would describe me as being kind and mostly reserved but outgoing when I’m around friends and family!!
We promise they will be surrounded by so much love and support! From us to amazing grandparents and aunts and uncles! We promise to be open about their adoption and support them in everything they do. We promise to make sure they feel loved and validated in their feelings.
Life has the best surprises!
Please know that a piece of our hearts is with you as you make the decision to place your baby. We hope you feel peace and guidance through the process.
With Love,
Cody & McKell