First, I would like to thank you for considering me as an adoptive parent. Adoption is the most selfless loving act that I can think of! And, there is a wonderful family waiting here in Maryland.
Adoption was always part of my life path; I wanted to have two children and adopt a third. However, life doesn’t always go according to plan. When my doctors shared the news of my infertility with me, I felt completely broken hearted. But, as the saying goes, where God closes a door, he always opens a window. Three members of my family were adopted, two cousins and one uncle.
Immediate Family
My parents and I are very close. I talk with my mom daily, have monthly dinners with my parents. My sister, Larissa, has special needs, which has taught me to give and care for others, not to be judgmental, and see beauty in all people just the way they are. Our family also has a giant black Cat named Mr. Boo who was rescued from the streets of Baltimore City.
Extended Family
I’m really lucky to have a great family. With my East Coast cousins and their children, our family spends summers at our cabin in New Hampshire. Each generation shares in the excitement of canoe races, learning to sail, swimming out to the float raft, roasting marshmallows, and the hazards of tree branches when casting out fishing lines. With my extended family who live in Chicago, IL and Dallas, TX, I share a love of gardening, good food, and international travel. These are the baby’s future second cousins.
Life on the Chesapeake Bay
I come from a family of boaters who love being on the water. A few years ago, I bought my own boat and sail with family, friends, and their children around the bay area and to our family’s yacht club. We love swimming off the boat and eating seafood. My father and I enjoy father/daughter time together sailing and doing annual repairs. He is a mentor and continually inspires me to push myself to learn new things, have confidence, explore the world, and be a kind person.
My Hobbies
● Art
● Aviation
● Cooking
● Dancing (tango, salsa, ballroom dance)
● Herbal medicine
● Hiking
● Horseback riding
● International development
● Music (piano & guitar)
● Puppy rescues
● Sailing
● Skiing
● Swimming
● Tennis
● Travel
● Yoga
Norwegian, Swedish, Scottish, Czech.
Bachelor’s degree in British and American Literature, master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, master’s degree in public policy with a concentration in international education. (I plan to finish my PhD one day.)
My love of children led me to devote my career to education. I taught secondary school and now work as an Education Program Specialist supporting education across the state.
I volunteer as a grant coordinator for a nonprofit that supports girls’ education, sustainable agriculture, and development projects in Ethiopia and Kenya. I sponsor two girls, Barkot who is in 7th grade in Ethiopia, and Virginia who is in Kindergarten. I’ve promised to visit both girls one day with my adoptive child to teach about the importance of giving back to others and doing good in the world.
My home is located in Maryland near Washington D.C. and Annapolis. This gives us and the adoptive child easy access to many museums, art, history, science, cultural events, sports, national parks, children’s festivals, great schools, community pools, dance classes, fencing, horseback riding, pediatricians, and lots of other neighborhood kids to play with.
While I am a single mom right now, I am not alone. My loving extended family and friends are all eagerly awaiting a little one. My friends, family, and parents are excited to welcome a new baby to be grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, and childhood friends to play with.
My goal in life is to provide the best adoptive home for your child and will create a life for him or her with great education, a loving family of relatives and friends, travel, adventure, opportunity, fun, and a life connected with sailing and boating on the Chesapeake Bay.
I would welcome an open adoption through which I could send pictures and updates as often as you would like. I will think of you, the adopted baby, and me as three interconnected hearts and will smile with gratitude every day for the incredible gift you have given.