Corona virus COVID-19 Readiness

Like you, we're monitoring the latest news about the corona virus. That's why we're doing all we can to make sure our office is open, our staff are there and our 24 hour call centers are staffed. We have taken these necessary precautions to keep our staff, birth parents and adoptive families safe. You can count on us at times like this, especially if you need our help

As COVID-19 continues to grow as a public health concern in our communities, all of us have a role to play in slowing the spread and protecting vulnerable populations. We’ve gathered some information and resources to keep you, your loved ones and those we serve.

Six Daily Habits to help prevent the spread of many viruses

Physical Contact

Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Have a Cough or Cold Sick

Cough or sneeze into elbow, you’re not our hands.

Travel Care

When scheduling travel procedures for travel the carrier has implemented and federal guidelines for screening and quarantine.

Keep Hands Clean

Watch your hands often with warm water for 20 seconds.

Clean Surfaces

Clean and disinfect frequently Touched objects and surfaces.

Doctor Appointment

The guidelines implemented adhered to regarding appointments and screenings.

Avoid Touching Face

Avoid touching your eyes, hands, and mouth with unwatched hands.

Felling Sick

Stay home when sick and keep sick children home from shool


All hospital guidelines please adhere to all followed regarding labor, delivery and visitation.

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