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Dear expecting parent,

Thank you for taking the time to view our profile. By doing so, we hope you better understand who we are as individuals and the joy we share together as a family.
We currently reside in the San Francisco area. We love being active. We enjoy getting outdoors, playing sports, traveling and awesome dance parties.
• Bethany is a stay-at-home-mom and a part time tennis professional.
• Parker works in digital operations.
• Leon is our sunshine and joy. He loves going to preschool, playing with his friends and making people laugh.

Becoming adoptive parents has taught us many valuable lessons. It has been, and still is, very humbling. We cherish our beautiful baby boy and his first mama. We are so touched by the amazing parents, like you, who are self-less and strong. We admire your courage and bravery.
If you trust us in raising your child, we promise to:
• Always remind them how cherished they are by you.
• Share open communication with you.
• Surround ourselves with friends and community who look like your child.

We recognize what a challenging decision this is for you. We want you to know we are thinking about you and praying for you. We love you, respect you and hope to meet you!

With admiration,
Bethany, Parker & Leon.

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