Ordinary to Extraordinary
Act of Love honors and celebrates all of the men and women that choose adoption! Amazing courage comes from those that can think about what is best for their baby and put aside their needs. These ordinary people become extraordinary and elevate the love they have for their children to immeasurable amounts. It is not an easy decision and may not seem like the easiest solution at the time to an unexpected pregnancy.
In being able to choose adoption, birth parents find adoptive parents that help them to reach a point in their journey to be able to let go and love from a distance. There is no greater love than the love a birth parent gives their child. This love does not stop the moment birth parents choose an adoptive family or the moment the baby is born and placed into the arms of the adoptive parents. The love never ends and the love for their child is held forever in their hearts.
Seeking Adoptive Parents
Adoptive parents also have an immeasurable amount of love for their children. The love grows in their heart as they move forward with each step in their adoption journey. Act of Love also celebrates and appreciates all of the many wonderful adoptive parents that so lovingly give children a safe, loving and nurturing home. The love they give their children is boundless and profound.
Adoptive families complete a home study to make sure the home is safe and ready for children. There are many steps to making sure an adoptive family can adopt from criminal and child abuse clearances to medical reports to adoption training and education. Act of Love works with families from Alabama to Minnesota, Arizona and Washington State. Families from all over the U.S. choose Act of Love to grow their family through adoption.
Many parents choose adoption to grow their family. They take all of the necessary steps to find an adoption agency or adoption professional to get themselves ready for birth parents that are seeking an adoptive family. It takes courage and determination for adoptive families to know that someday the right birth parent will find them and choose them to be the parents for their child. Adoption agency professionals can be very helpful in bringing adoptive parents and birth parents together.
Click here to see waiting adoptive families