When you start to seriously consider adoption, it is vital to understand the fees you will be paying to an adoption agency such as A Act of Love Adoptions. For accredited and reputable agencies such as A Act of Love, any fees and costs involved are for expenses for the adoption and services rendered. These are vital services that provide you with the advice and guidance you need as you navigate the intricate adoption process. Providing these services help ensure that you have a successful adoption and meet legal requirements.
Some of the professional services with A Act of Love Adoptions include:
– Counseling services for parents. Agencies provide essential counseling to help adoptive parents become emotionally, physically and financially prepared to be parents. This involves helping you through the home study, counseling you about dealing with issues involving your child’s behavior, health and wellbeing, as well as giving you insights on how you can deal with post-placement issues surrounding your extended family and circle of friends. The agency also holds seminars and counseling sessions as you prepare to care for an infant. Aside from these, the agency also renders professional services related to post-placement supervision and case management.
– Counseling services for birthparents. In the meantime, the adoption agency will also focus on helping the birthparents with a plan for their pregnancy, childbirth and afterwards. Birthparents also have the opportunity to receive counseling through the emotional and physical components of a birth plan. The adoption agency provides vital support to ensure that the birthparents are able to positively move on after this experience.
– Other services for birthparents. Depending on the kind of adoption you and the birthparents choose, the agency remains as the point of contact between birthparents and the family, such as keeping in touch through letters and pictures.
– Expenses of the birthparents. For domestic infant adoptions, prospective parents agree to assist with the costs related to the pregnancy and birth of the baby. This can include medical care – regular check-ups with the doctors, pre-natal vitamins and medication, costs of delivery and recovery. It can also include related expenses such as maternity clothing, transportation, housing,utilities and food. Prospective parents cover these costs knowing that they are already taking care of their baby inside the birthmother’s womb.
– Services provided for the child. This can include medical examinations by a pediatrician, documentation such as producing the original birth certificates and any other medical costs.
– Legal advice. This involves legal counsel during the adoption process, as well as legal advice as birthparents and prospective parents finalize the adoption by the termination of the birthparents rights.
– Operational costs of the agency. The overhead needs to be covered to keep the agency running and able to provide their vital services to those seeking to adopt.
– Advertising costs. Adoption agencies connect birthparents with prospective parents. To do this, the agency will advertise services for both the birthparents and prospective parents – including ads in newspapers, websites and the yellow pages.