More about our family!
Our hope is to add a new family member.
5 things we love about our family…
1). Spending time and building relationships with our extended family.
2). Supporting each other in our different interests and activities.
3). Making memories where we live, in our neighborhood and in our home.
4). Traveling to visit family and friends in places across the country.
5). Letting our silly and creative sides out.
Wes’s Top Ten Favorites:
- 1. Holiday – Halloween
- 2. Food – Duck Curry
- 3. Hobby – Collecting Vinyl Records
- 4. Ice Cream – Key Lime Pie
- 5. Family Activity – Picnic at the Botanical Gardens
- 6. Topic of Conversation – Music
- 7. Band – Beatles
- 8. Movie – Jaws
- 9. Sport – Baseball
- 10. Vacation Spot – Prague, Czech Republic
Jen’s Top Ten Favorites:
- 1. Holiday – Birthday (Ben & Jen share the same birthday)
- 2. Food – Chile Verde
- 3. Hobby – Cooking & Gardening
- 4. Ice Cream – Chubby Hubby
- 5. Family Activity – Friday Game Night (wrestling, soccer, etc.)
- 6. Topic of Conversation – Nutrition, Health & Wellness
- 7. Band – Wilco
- 8. Movie – Amelie
- 9. Sport – Soccer
- 10. Vacation Spot – Hawaii
Ben’s Top Ten Favorites:
- 1. Holiday – Christmas
- 2. Food – Bananas
- 3. Hobby – Playing with trains
- 4. Ice Cream – Chocolate
- 5. Family Activity – Roasting marshmallows and tree swinging
- 6. Topic of Conversation – Trains
- 7. Band – ABBA
- 8. Movie – The Good Dinosaur & UP
- 9. Sport – Soccer
- 10. Vacation Spot – Grandma (Babi) and Grandpa’s (Bumpa) Ranch
Favorite things….
We either visit, or are visited by family on a monthly basis. This is the way we want it! – Ben has so much fun with his cousins, he asks nearly every day to go to the airport and get a ticket to see—insert name of cousin—it changes daily. They love to chase each other, play silly games, wrestle, play soccer, etc. They truly are all best friends as soon as they are in the same room. When they fight it is just as siblings do, and they are hugging each other again a minute later. Having another playmate would just add to the fun and adventures we have together.
We love being able to give our son the ability to participate in various activities that help him to learn important life skills as well as letting him have fun. – Very little can top watching 3-year-old baseball and I think we get as much joy out of watching him play as he does. We wish to continue to offer these opportunities to all of our children to aide their progression in life.
Whether we’re out and about exploring our hometown or just enjoying our time at home, we’re always happy just doing it together – We love to instill learning in our home and enjoy watching our son expand his knowledge and experience things for the first time. We love having friends come over with their kids, we let the kids run around the yard/ house playing while we all cook, eat, talk and laugh. It is so nice to have a group of friends that love your child and that we can all support through ups and downs. We would love to have another child to join us with story time, science experiments, and all of our other adventures we have.
Visiting the Ranch and other travels – We love to travel together as a family. One of our favorite places to visit is Wes’s parents ranch. Our son is in little boy heaven with all of the animals, tractors and machinery. He would love to have a sibling to go exploring with.
Our home is a place where creativity is encouraged – We love to come up with different experiments to work on with our son. We also love expressing creativity through the arts. Painting, drawing, playing the guitar, and nightly dance parties are all highly encouraged. Having another child to join our silliness would be that much more fun.