Searching for Family or Birth Parents in Utah
If an adoptee decides to search for their birth parents in the State of Utah, they must be:
- 18 years of age
- Born in Utah
- Complete the Application for Inclusion in the Utah Mutual-Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry
- Provide a Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
- Submit $25 Fee
Birth parents can submit the application for the registry at any time. It is important to keep information current and up-to-date, so if a match is found the appropriate parties can be contacted. Anyone updating their information in the system needs to submit a $5 fee to make any changes.
History of Utah’s Mutual-Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry
Utah created its Mutual-Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry following legislation that became effective on April 27, 1987. The Utah Legislation agreed that it was important for children born in Utah to have a method in which to try and locate their birth parent(s) and/or blood-related siblings. The registry allows for adoptees who are 18 years or older, birth parents and blood-related sisters and brothers to use the registry to find each other.
Having the registry in Utah can help make the process of locating each other easier, if all parties have submitted their information. Both parties involved would need to submit their information and keep their information up-to-date. The information submitted will remain in the registry for life, unless the party submits a notarized request that their information be changed or removed. A computer program searches for a match anytime a new application or change to application is made by a birth parent or an adult adopted child. If a match is found, identifying information will be shared with the adult adoptee, birth parent(s) and adult blood-related siblings of the adult adoptee.
Currently, Utah law allows for public access to adoption records over 100 years old without obtaining a court order. Records that are under 100 years of age in Utah are sealed and would require a court order to open. To begin the process of opening sealed adoption records that contain the identifying information of an adoptee or birth parent must be initiated with filing a formal petition with the clerk of court located in the county in which the adoption was granted. It is important to know when and where the adoption was granted. Having the knowledge of the date of the adoption finalization and the county in which the adoption was granted, will greatly assist in the search for the records. Adoptive parents and an adult adoptee may obtain a copy of the adoption decree without a court order. The court order will be required to obtain any further information in the sealed adoption file.
Helpful Information to Find Your Family or Birth Parents
- Adoptee current name
- Birth date
- Adoptee name given at birth
- Birth mother’s name on the birth certificate
- Birth father’s name
- Adoptive parents names
- Court documented name change
- Name of hospital born in
- City born in
- Birth mother’s current name
Utah Mutual-Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry Information
The Mutual-Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry is administered by the Utah Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Records. For application to the registry click here
For registry information, contact:
Adoption Reunion Registry
Department of Health
Vital Statistics
288 N. 1460 W.
PO Box 141012
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-1012
Telephone: (801) 538-6363
Original Sources of Information:
Utah Code Annotated 78-30-15, 78-30-19; Utah Code of Judicial Administration, Rules 4-202.02(11)(A), 4-202.03(11), and 6-406. Records list added later along with updated code citations.
Utah Department of Health Vital Records and Statistics