Beautiful, healthy Baby Girl was born on June 29, 2013, in Utah. Act of Love Adoptions is helping terrific birthparents, M&P, with an open adoption plan. M&P have signed irrevocable relinquishments in Utah and are looking for an open adoption for their Hispanic/Caucasian/Native American baby girl. The Native American issue for birth mom has been addressed by contacting the Native American tribe. Birthparents will consider a loving adoptive family that is active Christian, in their 30’s and possibly ONE adopted child. They do not want to consider adoptive families with biological children and they are looking for a Protestant or Catholic adoptive family that meets the criteria above.

Birth mom reports that prenatal care began in March and that she is free from all major illness and injuries. She reports drinking a couple glasses of wine, but that she does not smoke tobacco nor use drugs. Birthparents are requesting that pictures and letters be sent through email, phone calls on or around the birthday through age three and periodic visits through the child’s life to be arranged by both birth parents and adoptive parents at the adoptive family discretion with each party being responsible for their own travel.

If you are a home study ready adoptive family and interested in being considered for this opportunity, please contact Act of Love Adoption Agency at Adoptive family must be prepared to travel to Utah immediately and will need to complete an Application for Services, provide an original signed notarized copy of the home study along with supporting documentation and meet other agency requirements. The Application for Services in the Outreach Program does not require any agency fees until match and must be completed prior to receiving further details on this situation. At the time of match, all fees will be due. For more information on the Outreach Program contact Act of Love Adoption Agency at or for questions contact Jill at 801-572-1696.

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