Birth parent L has requested Act of Love Adoption Agency assist her in her search for an adoptive family for her African American/Caucasian baby due the beginning of June 2015. She would like to have an open adoption to include pictures and letters sent through the agency and to meet the adoptive family around the time of birth.
L reports that she is healthy and free of any major medical illness or injury. She also reports that she is taking prenatal vitamins. L stated that she has never used any alcohol, tobacco or drugs. Birth parent L’s situation is requiring a significant amount of assistance.
Home studied adoptive families interested in this situation should contact Act of Love Adoptions at Adoptive family will need to be prepared to complete an Application for Services, provide an original signed notarized copy of the home study along with supporting documentation to meet agency requirements. Applying for the Outreach Program DOES NOT require agency fees prior to a match. For more information on the Outreach Program contact Act of Love Adoption Agency at or call 801-572-1696.
Act of Love Adoptions offers a free Adoption Orientation on the first Tuesday of every month beginning at 7:00 p.m. Call 801-572-1696 to receive further information on the orientation or to schedule an private informational appointment. Supporting you during your adoption journey would be our pleasure.