Act of Love Adoption Agency has been contacted to assist birthmom N find an adoptive family for her baby that is due in the next couple of weeks. Birthmom is Caucasian and she has reported that birthfather is Caucasian. Her health report includes a history of bipolar disorder, herione use (is on Methdaone now) and cocaine use. The adoption agency does have prental records available. The adoption will be finalized in New Jersey with the adoption agency/attorney that is assisting birthmom N.
Birthmom N is seeking a heterosexual 2 parent family who is Catholic. She would like a meeting at placement, on-going photos and letters and the possibility of some agency supervised future visits. The fees for this adoption including finalization in NJ are estimated to be around $40,000. Birthmom has reported that she has Medicaid.
If you are a homestudy ready adoptive family and would like further information on this situation, please email to