CEO & Founders, since 1993 Kathy & Dieter Kunkel Social Work Team Left to Right: Amy, Isaac, Megan, Laraine Birth Parent Coordination Left to Right: Jessica, Jaime, Traci, Shelly 24 Hour Birth Parent Phone Line Team Left to Right: Traci, Jaime, Connie, Lynn Act of Love Team Back Left to Right: Shelly, Tarilee, Lanette, Cindy, CarleneMiddle Left to Right: Jaime, Jill, Jessica, TraciFront Left to Right: Isaac, Connie, Megan, Amy, Cheryl, Laraine, Lynn Back Left to Right: Heidi, Founder – Kathy, DieterFront Left to Right: Alyssa, Shannon Birth Parent Team Left to Right: Laraine, Connie, Jessica, Lynn, Shelly, Cheryl, Traci, Megan, Jaime Adoptive Family Team Left to Right: Jill, Carlene, Tarilee, Isaac, Amy, Megan, Cindy (not pictured – Linda) Office Staff Left to Right: Lanette, Jill, Tarilee, Carlene, Cheryl, Cindy, Laraine (not pictured – Linda & Wendy)