Dear Expectant Parent,
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our family. As we prepare ourselves for welcoming a new baby into our lives, know that we are also preparing space in our hearts and our life for you. We can only imagine the emotions you are experiencing right now. Your commitment to bringing this child into the world and selecting their adoptive family is the start of their exciting life story full of untold possibilities and adventures. We honor and love you for that commitment. We are prepared to provide your child with tons of love, encouragement, and stability during their journey!
Our Story
We met in 2018 and married in the Fall of 2022. We value our relationship and we are grateful everyday for each other and the life we are building together. Oscar was born in Lima, Peru and is fully bi-lingual. He is an elementary school teacher. Oscar’s hobbies include playing tennis, working on his yard, gardening, and watching soccer. Kayleigh is from New England originally. Kayleigh loves art, music, theatre, and a good book.
We love relaxing weekend road trips to historic sites and towns. We enjoy nature and hiking. We also like the city life and its food options!
Our promise to you
We understand that, should you choose us to raise your beautiful child, adoption is just the beginning of our journey together. We are committed to working as a team to have an open adoption that supports both you and your child. We truly wish you both all the best things in this life. We look forward to learning more about your story and your hopes and dreams for your child. Know that we will do everything we can to bring those dreams to life.