When birth parents find themselves pregnant again, with an unexpected pregnancy, they oftentimes reach out to the adoptive family that adopted their previous child. Looking for that same loving, forever family for the child they are currently carrying, they are requesting the same adoptive family they found the first time for their children to be raised together in the same family. Hoping that their children can grow-up together, as siblings in the same loving home gives a peace of mind and security. Along with contacting the adoption agency regarding the adoptive parents, many times birth parents are contacting the adoption agency, as they need assistance with their pregnancy for living expenses, medical care, housing, transportation and sometimes are need of an adoption attorney for legal questions. They are also reaching out for the emotional support and counseling that helps them to move through their adoption plan with confidence and the reassurance they have made the best decision for their child(ren).
Adoptive families are grateful for the opportunity to raise biological siblings together. Many families feel like they are in a good place to adopt the sibling of their adopted child. Adoptive parents understand that birth parents search for the right adoptive family the first time and many times feel drawn to them again, if they are making an adoption plan for another child.
“We loved coming back to you! You guys always make us feel like family.” Grateful adoptive parents│Alabama
In open adoptions, the post-adoption contact continues after placement of the baby and families and birth parents continue to build a loving and caring relationship with one another. The relationships that are nurtured and where respect is shown to everyone involved will greatly benefit and impact a child’s life. Adopted children need and want to understand the love of their biological family. They also are curious and want to know who they look like, why they enjoy the things they do, who they received their talents from and why their birth parents chose to place them for adoption. Having a biological sibling to grow-up with is another joy for them in their family.
If you are pregnant again and would like your children to be raised in the same adoptive family, give us a call and we can help you!
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Call 800-835-6360 or Text 801-450-0094