1 The Adoption Tax Credit
The Adoption tax credit can give families a tax credit for adoption expenses. Please check https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc607.html, speak with your CPA or call 800-TAX-FORM.
2 Military
Military personnel can receive up to a $2,000 reimbursement for adoption expenses. Contact your military branch for information.
3 Corporations/Employment
It is estimated that more than 30% of employers now offer adoption financial assistance or are willing to assist if they are approached. Contact your supervisor or human resources department and ask if they offer an adoption financial assistance program. If they do not, ask if they will assist you personally. Have them contact the IRS to determine if they can receive a tax write-off for the money they donate to your adoption. Many have tried this and succeeded! Government agencies usually provide this service.
4 Health Insurance
Double check your health insurance policy. Most states require insurance policies to cover an adopted baby’s medical costs. Some insurance plans also reimburse you for the birth mother’s maternity costs. If you don’t know if you qualify, call and ask your insurance provider.
5 State Subsidy
Some states offer a subsidy, usually for special needs children. The definition of ‘special needs’ varies between states.
6 Grants
Gift of Adoption - https://www.giftofadoption.org or 1-877-905-2367
Offers grants based on financial need. If money is the only thing holding you back, make sure you emphasize this in your application so you receive priority.
National Adoption Foundation Grant - https://fundyouradoption.org/
Offers grants based on financial need.
Help Us Adopt - https://www.helpusadopt.org
Offers grants up to $15,000.00 towards adoption expenses.
7 Other Sources
National Council for Adoption at ncfa@adoptioncouncil.org or (703) 299-6633
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption at https://www.davethomasfoundation.org/
**This information is intended for reference only. Act of Love has no affiliation with any of the sources above.
Don't let the expenses associated with the process of adopting a son or daughter into your life stop you from taking this life changing step. If you're looking to adopt but aren't sure of the expenses involved - talk to one of our counselors. We're happy to walk you through the entire process so you can be confident, with no surprises. We work with so many women hoping to find a family just like yours to become the new family to their baby.