Birthparents A&M found themselves facing an unexpected pregnancy.  They were scared and not in a position to raise a child.  They made the courageous decision to look into adoption.  It was very difficult to pick up the phone and make that first phone call- probably one of the hardest things they would ever do.  To their surprise, the phone was answered by a very kind woman who took the time to answer all their questions and explain the adoption process.  Their hearts and minds were immediately put at ease over a situation that was so very difficult.
A&M decided to fill out the paperwork to move forward with their adoption plan.  They attended doctor appointments, and began to connect with their wonderful social worker and caseworker.  They were ready and anxious to look for parents for their sweet baby.  As they contemplated adoptive parents, they were drawn to one couple.  Their hearts told them that this was the right family.  They started to talk on the phone and had a wonderful connection with this family.  A&M were so touched by the grief and hardships this family had faced in trying to have a family.  Adoption became a blessing in both of their lives.
Travel arrangements were made and the time came to travel.  A&M were greeted by an amazing coordinator who would help support them through their adoption journey.  Doctor appointments were made, and before A&M knew it, it was time for delivery!  They asked the adoptive family to be in the waiting room at the hospital so they could be close by to see their baby.
Precious baby boy came into the world without complication.  A&M were so excited to see how the family would feel about finally having a baby in their arms.  A&M were not disappointed!  It was a beautiful experience and completely put their minds at ease with their choice to place this baby for adoption.  It didn’t mean it was easy, but they knew it was right.
A&M signed documents and handed the sweet baby boy to the family.  Hugs and tears of gratitude were exchanged.  The adoptive family was blessed in a way they could never be on their own.  In exhcange, the adoptive family gave A&M the peace of mind and heart to know that their dear baby would be raised in a loving home.
Here is what A&M had to say to A Act of Love Adoptions about their experience,  “The best things in the world aren’t things.  They’re people like you.  Thank you with all of my heart.  I can’t put into words how much I appreciate everything you’ve done.  I’m so thankful that I met you.  You took care of me.  And you were always there when I needed someone!  Thank you so much.  Love, A and M”
A&M are amazing birthparents.  We admire and respect their adoption decision!!


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