Act of Love received a phone call early in the morning from a birthparent that had decided adoption was the best plan for her newborn baby.  The case work and social work staff quickly began to help this brave young woman walk through the steps of her adoption plan.   What kind of family did she want to place her beautiful child with, did she want to receive letters and pictures over the years to watch the happiness and growth of her child and what did she need to help her complete her plan.

The loving staff at Act of Love assisted her with paperwork, retrieving medical records and arranging for the adoption plan.  Profiles of beautiful, hopeful adoptive families were gathered for her to review.  Immediately, she knew which adoptive family made her feel the reassurance that she had made the right choice and that the adoptive family would provide the very best for her child.  She was so excited to feel a connection to this adoptive family and to know that this family would be on the very first flight they could catch from Washington to be with her and their new infant.

You can imagine the joy the adoptive family felt to know that their years of longing for a child, hopes and dreams were finally going to come true!  Flights were booked, family members cheered with joy, arrangements were made with their work, neighbors heard and rejoiced in the news that the time had come to feed the dog, collect the mail and help prepare to welcome this newborn baby home.

The excitement built for both the birthmom and adoptive family as they anticipated meeting each other for the first time.  The beautiful miracle of adoption would unite them together forever!  They would meet each other and celebrate this new union of a family.  Pictures and letters will keep them connected as they each begin this new chapter of their life





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