One of the most incredible adoptions recently took place in the state of Kansas.  A young pregnant birthmother made a call early one morning to  A Act of Love Adoption agency.  She had just given birth to a healthy baby boy and knew that adoption was the best choice she could make for this beautiful child that she loved so dearly.

She willingly took the steps to make sure that this baby would have the very best parents suited to his needs.  She completed many pages of paperwork, spoke with caseworkers and counselors and answered many questions about her hobbies, interests, habits, likes and dislikes.  She knew this was the right choice and throughout the day in her hospital bed, diligently made all the preparations for the adoption to happen.

As part of her plan, she did not want the baby to stay in Kansas.  You can imagine the joyful flood of emotion that the adoptive couple felt upon being told that they had been selected to be the parents of this baby boy!  They were so excited they could hardly contain themselves! They began to look at flights and were on the plane early the next morning to meet their birthmom and their new baby boy!

Both adoptive parents and the birthmother were very excited about meeting each other.  Because of the location of the birthmother’s town in Kansas, the adoptive couple took a flight into an adjoining state and then drove a hundred miles into Kansas.  When the baby was a little over 24 hours old, all loving parents (birthmom & adoptive couple) united and rejoiced together in this union.  What a beautiful time they had together.  It was a time that they will all treasure and reflect back on for their entire lifetime.

This meeting confirmed to the birthmother that she had made the right decision for her baby.  She felt comfort and peace and knew that this couple was the right choice to raise and love and guide her child through this life.  She felt many emotions that day and in the days since, but through this roller coaster of feelings, she remains constant in the peace she feels with her decision.

In the days following the birthparents’ relinquishments, the couple then went to court with the baby for their part of the adoption.  They spent nearly a week in Kansas as they waited for all the legal paperwork to clear the state of Kansas and their home state.  They had a wonderful time together as a family, enjoying their baby and creating memories of their first happy days as a family of three!

Upon approval of Interstate Compact, (all the legal documents necessary for a family to travel with an adopted child) the adoptive couple was approved to go home to be greeted by loving family members and friends!  They expressed their joy and gratitude for the miracle of adoption in their lives!

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