Maxwell and Danielle

MaxDanielle(Profile Picture)

Hello friend,

Even though we may not know each other, we admire your courage. Making an adoption plan isn't an easy thing to do.

We want you to know that we will provide the best life for all our children the best way we know how. 

How We Met:

We first met in 2014 at a rock-climbing gym in Texas. We both found this rock-climbing group online and ironically it was the first time climbing with this group for the both of us. So glad we both decided to try something new and start rock climbing.  What a great way to meet!

We immediately hit it off and both volunteered to do trail building (building new trails or maintaining old trails) at Colorado Bend State Park. When we arrived at the park Friday night, we set up camp and started talking and getting to know the other volunteers. Soon it was just us talking and staring at the stars well into the night before we finally noticed the time and headed off to bed to get some sleep before our early morning of work. 

After that weekend, we kept running into each other at the rock-climbing gym when we met our group once a week to climb. We always seemed to be leaving at the same time and then ended up talking in the parking lot for an hour before we forced the conversation to an end so we could get some sleep before work the next morning. We soon realized we would need lessons if we really wanted to improve our climbing and be able to scale the harder routes. Now we were seeing each other twice a week (once for class and once to climb with our group). Our time together continued to grow and grow, and in 2016, we were married surrounded by our families.

A few words from Danielle

I’ve wanted to adopt ever since I was 18 years old when I helped at an orphanage in Peru. Seeing all the children that needed a loving home hit my heart and I knew that I would adopt one day. Over a decade later, we love how Alexis has added to our family and want her to have a sibling close in age to grow up with.

A Few words from Max

While I may not have always known adopting a child would be a part of my life, I have found great joy in the animals that we have adopted and now I cannot think of a better way to expand our family than by adoption.

What Max likes about Danielle: 

Max likes that Danielle is committed to everything that she does. She is almost completely fearless (she’s always asking me to remove bugs from her workout area) and loves to try new things that we do together. She is a warm and affectionate person who is always thinking about the needs of others. 

What Danielle likes about Max: 

Danielle likes Max’ problem-solving skills and humor. Max always knows how to lighten the mood and make Alexis and Danielle smile (what he considers his most important job in our family). Max is dependable and always there when we need him.

Our Promise:

While we can't promise to be perfect parents, we can promise to raise your child in a home filled with love and provide them with every opportunity possible. We will honor you by making sure they know everything you wish for them to know about you. We want your child to know who you are and the sacred role you played in their life. We are open to sharing letters and pictures so that you will always know your child is happy, healthy, and safe.


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