Christian & Celine


Dear Birth Parents,

We understand this is an emotional and challenging time. Your consideration of adoption speaks volume about your selflessness and love.
Ever since we got married, we have been on a journey to grow our family. Adoption has always been a part of our plan, even if we were fortunate enough to have biological children. In the early years of our marriage, we faced challenges like fertility treatments and a heartbreaking miscarriage. Those difficult moments actually strengthened our trust and deepened our love for each other. Since then, we have been incredibly blessed to adopt a wonderful little girl. Our open adoption allows us to share special moments with her biological family a couple of times a year, and we exchange monthly updates and pictures. Our daughter has filled our lives with more joy than we ever imagined, and not a day goes by without us thanking the Lord for bringing her into our lives. Now, we are eager to open our hearts and home to another little one.
Celine’s goal is to instill in our children the values of gratitude and positivity to help them navigate life and challenges. She aspires to nurture their generous and open-hearted nature, fostering love and tolerance. Celine also teaches French at home, connecting our kids with her family abroad.
Christian is thrilled about introducing our little ones to the magic of music and art. He is a fun-loving dad who enjoys playing, dancing, reading stories, and belting out tunes with the kids.
About half of our family lives close by in Utah. We have a blast with Sunday dinners, family get-togethers, and yearly reunions. During the winter, we come together for games and music. In the summer, it is all about outdoor fun like hikes, pool and yard shenanigans. Quality family time is what we enjoy most, and we make sure everyone feels included, whether they are local or as far away as Arizona and France. They are all excited about welcoming another child into our family.
Your role as a birth parent will always be honored. We will share stories that emphasize your love and the incredible gift of life you have given. We believe that it is essential to a child’s identity to understand their roots. We are committed to creating a healthy and open relationship that suits your wishes.
Thank you so much for taking the time to learn a little bit about our family. We hope we have the chance to meet you and get to know you! Sending wishes for peace on your journey and your decision.
With love,
Celine and Christian


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