Brent & Yvette



We are Brent and Yvette!
We are grateful that you have chosen to consider us as the adoptive parents for your precious child. We are fully committed to providing a loving and stable home where they can thrive. We will celebrate their uniqueness, support their dreams, and honor their heritage.

We were married 4 years ago surrounded by our immediate families. From the beginning, our relationship has been grounded in love, stability, and the shared goal of providing a nurturing and fulfilling upbringing for our future child. Our maturity and life experiences have prepared us well to embrace the joys and blessings that come with being parents.
Yvette was adopted as an infant and has always been an advocate for adoption as long as she can remember. Her warm and compassionate nature creates a safe and loving environment. Brent’s wisdom, calm demeanor and empathetic heart make him an excellent role model and mentor.

Together, we share a passion for adventure. Our active outdoor lifestyle makes us relatable and engaging to others. We hope this short invitation to get to know us gives you a glimpse into the tapestry of our lives—our loves, our adventures, our family, and our friends.
We understand the weight of your choice and the trust you will place in an adoptive family. We want you to know that we are fully committed to honoring that trust. Your decision will forever change our lives, and we will devote ourselves to being the best parents we can be, providing a stable and nurturing environment that fosters your child’s growth, happiness, and well-being.

With heartfelt appreciation
Brent & Yvette


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