Every year there are around 6.4 million pregnancies in the United States. Of those, 49% are unplanned. This leaves a lot of mothers and fathers wondering, “What do we do?”

There are basically three options to that question: The first is to make plans to parent the child. Do what is necessary to prepare for the upcoming birth and life afterward. This option requires responsibility for not only the mother, but the father, if the parents are not married. Plans need to be made for providing for the child, which should include financial responsibility, physical responsibility and emotional responsibility.

Another option is abortion. Unfortunately, over 3,500 abortions are performed in the United States every day, which equals about 24% of all pregnancies each year. This is a very sad statistic and one that does not need to occur. There is a much better alternative to abortion and this leads us to our third option which is adoption.

At A Act of Love Adoption Agency, we believe adoption is the option in which everybody wins. The baby is given life. The birthparents are able to move forward with their lives with peace of mind, knowing that they did give their child life and they gave their child more than they could at the time. The adoptive parents win because they have longed for a family, a baby they could love and nurture and share their life with. There has never been a better time in the United States for adoption. Birthparents have the opportunity to have an open adoption and adoptive parents are ready and willing to be a part of an open adoption. Open adoptions are healthy for everyone involved – it takes the “wonder” out of the equation and helps all parties feel a part of the child’s life. Since 1987, the number of adoptions annually in the United States has remained in the range of 118,000 to 127,000. This is such a small number when compared to the number of abortions that continue to be performed each year. In fact, to put it into perspective, for every 134 abortions performed by Planned Parenthood, ONE adoption referral is given.

Why is it that America chooses death over life? One reason is that carrying a baby for nine months to place that baby for adoption is a sacrifice. But, sacrifice can be so much better than a lifetime of guilt. Many women who have experienced abortion, describe how they feel. There has never been one who has said that abortion was the best thing they could have done. In contrast, many women who have placed babies/children for adoption say it wasn’t easy, but they know it was the best thing for the child. Receiving pictures of a happy, smiling child confirms their decision over and over again.

As you think about this topic, what comes to your mind? What would you do if you found yourself with an unplanned pregnancy? or, What have you done in this instance? How do you feel about your decision? We at Act of Love Adoptions want to hear from you! Did you parent? Place? or abort? Tell us your story!

Adoption and abortion statistics found at: https://www.birthmotherministries.org/extras/fast-facts.htm

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