Taylor was going through a very difficult time in her life. She had her 4 children removed from her home by the state of Utah and they were living with her family members. Taylor desperately missed her children and wanted the very best for them. She was also trying to get out of an abusive relationship and remove herself from an environment filled with drugs. On top of all of this, Taylor was just a few weeks away from delivering a baby. She knew things were in turmoil in her life and she wanted to give her baby boy the very best life possible.

Taylor found a local Utah adoption agency, Act of Love, and decided to give them a call. Taylor had never been treated in such a kind manner. She was used to being battered and abused, but Act of Love said they would do everything possible to help her. Taylor was so relieved. She started going into the adoption agency for counseling and seeing a doctor regularly. She was able to choose a wonderful adoptive family. Taylor’s biggest need was housing. Act of Love was able to help Taylor find housing close to her family, so she could still have visits with her children. Things were finally starting to stabilize for Taylor.

Then one night, Taylor started to bleed. She called her caseworker at Act of Love, who immediately responded to help Taylor. An ambulance was called, and Taylor was rushed to the hospital to have an emergency c-section. Taylor’s previous c-section scar had ruptured and could have cost her, her life from to the loss of blood. Due to the concern of her adoption caseworker and quick response of those around her, Taylor received the medical care she needed and bounced back very quickly.

Taylor had a healthy baby boy that she lovingly placed with a wonderful adoptive family. Placing her baby gave him a wonderful life, and gave Taylor the opportunity to overcome the drugs and abuse in her life. She was able to get on her feet and had a second chance to work toward bringing her children back into live with her.

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