unnamed[1]As an expecting mother, the thought of placing your child has probably brought you much anxiety. You’re often wondering “Is this the right choice?” The real question is when is it the right choice? Here are some often considered reasons behind the choice.

Reason #1: Financial Security
This is perhaps the most common reason for why birth parents choose to place their children with an adoptive family. Many birth parents realize that they cannot meet their child’s needs in the way they would like, and sometimes adoption ends up being the best decision.

Reason #2: Not Ready to Be a Parent
In other cases, you’re simply not ready to be a parent. This could be due to the fact that you’re still in school, you’re pursuing your career, or you simply want your baby to grow up with both a mother and father. Again, this doesn’t make you a bad person. It just means that you don’t feel ready, neither physically or emotionally, to handle the day-to-day responsibilities of being a parent and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Have Confidence in Your Decision
The best reason for choosing adoption is that you want to see your baby grow having their needs met. Although you love them very much, sometimes adoption is the best decision. If you’re ever confused or have questions about adoption, feel free to seek counseling and advice from other mothers who have been in the same situation. Just know that, in the end, the choice will be yours.

If you would like to contact Dee, please email to adopt@aactofloveadoptions.com.  Adoption support and counseling is always available 24/7 at Act of Love Adoptions.  It would be our pleasure to offer you information and guidance as you consider your options for your child.

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