Two women sat on a hospital bed holding on to each other with full hearts and happy faces. A beautiful baby girl had just been born minutes before and as the nurse tended to the baby’s vitals, birthmom and adoptive mom took the time to just be together and quietly share this precious event. Looking at them, you would have thought they were sisters, women who had grown up together and knew each other better than anyone. Having only met in person earlier that morning, the two both felt as if they had known each other for a very long time.

After a beautiful phone call on Mother’s Day when the birthmom told the adoptive couple she had selected them, the birthmother said she was already bonded to the adoptive mom. She said the phone call made her Mother’s Day so happy that she could tell the adoptive mom she was going to be a mother after waiting for so long.

On the morning of the scheduled induction, the birthmother and the adoptive couple met in person. They immediately felt like old friends and they chatted about everything. The birthmother, doing a natural birth, needed to walk to help her body progress. She and the adoptive parents walked and talked for a couple of hours. They talked about their lives and how their journey had brought them together. The birthmother showed them pictures of her family and told stories about her growing up years. They really got to know one another.

When the time came that the birthmother could no longer walk, they went back to the hospital and were preparing for the birth. Quickly changing, the birthmother knew it would not be long. Within 5 minutes the baby was delivered and the adoptive mom cut the umbilical cord. It was a wonderful, happy moment for everyone. The birthmother wanted the adoptive mom to be the first to hold her beautiful new baby.

The birthmother felt great. She had delivered completely natural without a bit of medication. She had a smile on her face from the time the baby was delivered as she watched the adoptive couple fall in love with their baby. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was meant to be; that she had found the perfect family for her little one. She couldn’t have felt happier. She even said, “I feel like I’m here with my best friend to see her new baby.”

As the birthmother left the hospital, they all made plans to meet and visit some places that were special to the birthmother. The home she grew up in, a family cabin in the mountains, and places where her father had worked. All were excited to continue on this path of an open adoption. They all expressed their love and happiness and gratefulness to each other.

It was an adoption put together with respect and love. It was a beautiful event to have witnessed. As the birthmother lovingly put it, “God’s hand was definitely in this one.”

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