Birth mother Wendy was in a relationship for several months with a man. She found out she was pregnant at the same time she found out he was having federal charges brought against him. Already having a 1 year old, Wendy knew she was not ready to provide for another child. She started doing some research online, and came across Act of Love Adoption Agency. After she read the website, she then called into the 24 hour phone line and she started receiving the help she was so desperately looking for. She had people who were caring and understanding that wanted to help her through the adoption process.

Wendy found an adoptive family from the on-line profiles that she was interested in. However, she found out that as she was looking at their profile, they had a baby placed in their home. Wendy decided she wanted to see more adoptive family profiles. As she looked through families, there was one that stuck out to her. She knew that was the family for her baby boy. She started by doing a conference call to interview the family, and was immediately at ease with her decision to choose them for her baby’s adoptive family. The most important part of Wendy’s adoption plan was for the adoptive family to be in the delivery room. She asked the family about this, and they were so excited to be able to experience the birth of their child.

Wendy had the support of her sister and the adoptive family. Wendy and her adoptive family spent some wonderful time together getting know each other and just a couple days later, contractions started. At one lunch meeting Wendy started having consistent contractions and felt like it was time to go to the hospital. Sure enough, it was true labor! Wendy went through the labor and delivery process with the adoptive family, and wonderful adoption agency staff at her side. It was a beautiful experience for everyone involved, and went exactly as Wendy had planned.

Wendy went through the relinquishment process, and placed her baby with the adoptive family she felt so connected to. She was so grateful to Act of Love Adoption Agency for helping her find the perfect family for her situation!

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