Many Blessings

Birth mother N was not getting along with her family. She was struggling to provide for her own basic needs. To top it all off, she just lost her job. Then, she found out she was pregnant. The birth father did not want this baby and asked N to have an abortion. Abortion might have been easy. It might have initially solved this ‘problem.’ However, N did not believe in abortion. She pondered over what she should do. N made the courageous decision to call A Act of Love Adoptions. She was emotional when she made her first phone call. She was so surprised at the kindness of the woman who answered the phone at the adoption agency. N had all her questions answered and immediately felt at peace with the decision to place her baby for adoption.

The kind woman at the adoption agency who answered the phone sent a packet of paperwork to N and followed up with her until she was ready to send it in. The situation with N’s family got worse as the pregnancy progressed. Her aunt and uncle in Hawaii invited her to come and live with them for the rest of the pregnancy in exchange for help around their house and gardens. N was so grateful to have a safe, secure place to stay until she had her baby.

N got moved to beautiful Hawaii and started to settle in. With her living situation settled, she was ready to choose an adoptive family for her baby. She looked at profiles and spent time reading and pondering over these wonderful adoptive families. She ended up choosing adoptive family A and J. They had been married for many years and were anxiously awaiting a baby for their family with Act of Love Adoptions. N felt drawn to A and J. They spoke on the phone and developed a relationship. A & J decided that as the due date for the baby approached, they would spend some time touring the Hawaiian Islands before their precious baby was born.

N had also developed a close connection with her caseworker at A Act of Love Adoptions. She asked for her caseworker’s support during delivery. The plans were in place, and the time came for N to deliver. She had the support of her adoption agency caseworker, and A and J as well as her aunt and uncle. A beautiful baby boy was born and even though N felt immense love for him, she knew his place was with A and J. It was a beautiful and miraculous experience for her.

N did all her legal documents and said goodbye to her baby boy and A and J. However, because she chose to communicate through pictures and letters, she knew she would be able to continue to watch her baby boy grow.

Adoption blessed the life of N and A and J. N was able to get a job and ended up going on to college. She is now successful in her life, and so grateful that she chose adoption.

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