SkylarI experienced one of the most beautiful moments with my boys last night. We were saying our nighttime prayers, and my youngest, Matthias, said something that was so pure and precious. Praying to Heavenly Father, he said, “We thank thee that Mommy has super powers.” I really wanted to cry, but I refrained. My heart swelled with so much joy at the realization that they really do love me more than they can articulate. My boys love me so much, and I love them so, so much. They are my buddies. And apparently, I am their superhero.

Parents have a wonderful and priceless gift. Children are so amazing and bring so much joy to our lives. I sometimes get a glimpse of how my boys see me when they pray. When I listen to my boys pray, I find myself amazed at their purity and love for others. Hearing Matthias’s prayer last night, I have a better understanding of how they see me as their mother. They see me as a superhero.

They see me as someone who loves them unconditionally. They may not comprehend that now at their tender ages, but they will one day see that I have loved them unconditionally all of their lives. They know that I am their caretaker. They know that I will not let them go hungry or go to school with dirty clothes. They see me as this wonderful, loving mother in their lives whom does all that I can to ensure they are safe and live happy lives. To them, I am the best gift ever.

I know that this will not last forever. I know that this stage is very precious and will gradually dwindle, but I find it empowering to know that this is how my babies see me. They really look up to me, adore me, and love me, and I am grateful to know that this is how they see me now. I am grateful to be able to see this and enjoy this while I can.

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