Rainey’s life was finally starting to stabilize. She had recently found a job in her Michigan town and she had been in a stable relationship for several months. Things were finally looking up! Rainey went to a party one weekend, hosted by her brother and his friends. She was having an enjoyable time visiting with friends, and making new acquaintances. The next thing she knew, she woke up in a strange room and her clothes were on the floor. She felt awful and violated.

As Rainey talked to some of her friends that were at the party, she started to piece together what had happened. Someone had slipped something into her drink and she was date raped. This was devastating to Rainey, but she knew she could bounce back and continue on with her life.

Several months later, Rainey started feeling sick. She knew something was not right. She decided to take a pregnancy test and was shocked when it came out positive. Rainey was just starting to put her life back together and now she had to worry about being pregnant.

After much thought and consideration, and with the support of her partner, Rainey started to look into adoption. She contacted Act of Love Adoption Agency in Utah. After all Rainey had been through, it was a relief to talk to someone who was kind and could help her situation. Rainey started the process of adoption, and found great comfort in the counseling she received. She knew that this baby would go to a very loving adoptive family, and she could continue on with her plans in life.

Rainey and her partner were able to meet everyone in the agency, as well as the adoptive family. Rainey felt very peaceful about her decision to place her baby for adoption and the adoption agency that she chose to help her with the adoption plan.

Delivery went smoothly, as well as signing the legal documents. Rainey felt that the hardest part of the adoption was saying goodbye to her friends at the adoption agency when it was time to go home. Rainey continues to receive pictures and letters from the adoptive family. It confirms her decision to place every time she sees how happy her little boy is!

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