Christina was trying to get on her feet after a difficult breakup with her husband and a divorce in process. She lived in the same state as her children, because she was working on getting custody of them. This meant that she also was far away from the support of her family.

Christina was finally able to find a job to help support herself and her children. She also found a really nice guy that she started dating. They had a short whirlwind relationship and decided to go their separate ways. It was a few months later that Christina discovered that she was pregnant. She was still trying to create a stable life for her children, and had received custody of them. She wasn’t sure how she could possibly support a baby.

Christina pondered her decisions. She even talked with her midwife about it. Christina came to the decision to place her baby for adoption. She contacted Act of Love Adoption Agency in Utah where she lived. She was immediately surrounded with kindness and support and met with an adoption counselor.

Christina finished her paperwork and found the perfect adoptive family. Since she was able to finally get into her own apartment, Christina wanted to do a home birth with her midwife. She delivered her other 2 children at home and wanted to have the same experience with this baby. She found a family that was supportive of this choice and she asked them to be there for the delivery.

Christina was also separated from her husband but was still legally married to him. Since Christina was still married, her husband was considered the legal father of her baby. Her husband consented to the adoption and wanted to see the best for Christina. This was a big relief to Christina!

Christina went into labor. Her midwife came and was with her through the entire labor. The adoptive family came when Christina was ready for their support. She also had staff from the adoption agency with her. Labor and delivery was painful but beautiful. Christina was so happy to place her beautiful baby girl into the arms of her loving adoptive family.

Christina is still grateful for the support and love the adoptive family continues to show her as she receives pictures and letters from them!

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