Two young women were in different parts of the country when they made the call. Both were scared but not alone. Each had a supportive family behind them as they wrestled with their unplanned pregnancy and what to do. Both women called A Act of Love Adoptions after finding the agency on-line and in the phone book. Both women decided that adoption was the right choice for them and both decided that A Act of Love Adoptions, was the right adoption agency. Because each of their circumstances with the communities they lived in and wanting to keep their privacy, each young woman decided to come to Utah to receive the services of counseling, excellent medical care and the opportunity to bond with an adoptive couple they had selected.

While in Utah, both women requested to meet other birthparents that were also willing to meet. Because of confidentiality, most birthparents choose to keep to themselves while making their adoption plan. In the case of these two birthmothers, both were feeling a little lonely for family so each of them requested that if anyone else was willing, they were as well. As you can imagine, these two immediately became fast friends and enjoyed spending time together, taking walks, renting movies, and window shopping. They became a physical and emotional support for one another. Each of these women chose adoptive couples whom they adored. They thought it would be fun for the couples to meet, so with permission, all four parties got together and had a great time!

When it came time for the first labor and delivery, the other asked if she could be there and of course it was agreed upon. Within the week, the other one went into labor and the first one was there for support and help for her friend. The greatest moment of all was when the two birthmothers asked if they could have a photo with them, the babies and their adoptive couples all together!!!! It was amazing and made everybody smile! Over the next few days as the birthmothers recovered, they made plans to return to their separate homes in different parts of the country. They vowed they would remain friends forever and would be there for the other one whenever needed. It is a beautiful friendship that developed in a time of need for both. They will be forever grateful for each other! The adoptive parents also formed a bond of friendship and enjoyed being together so much, they decided it would be fun to stay in touch! These two birthparents were so excited to think that their baby boys could grow up being friends!

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