Spending the day together at the park and getting to know each other is how Christina chose to complete her adoption plan. It is important to her to be able to get to know the adoptive family that she has chosen for her baby and build a relationship. She was able to select her adoptive family, talk with them on the phone and meet them to make sure she had chosen the right adoptive family. Being able to spend time together has helped all of them build a relationship that will support this beautiful baby and show him how much he is loved.

Act of Love Adoptions works diligently each day to help build families and lasting relationships. The staff at Act of Love is not only trained to work with clients, but loves what they do! Many of the staff members have years of experience in the adoption field, are adoptive parents or have family members that are adopted. Adoption is in our hearts and it is important that each client receive the services and support for their adoption plan.


Birthparents can choose the level of openness and contact they wish to have with their adoptive family. This contact can range from viewing an adoptive family profile, receiving letters and pictures following the placement, meeting before the birth and spending time together, and meeting as the child grows up. Some birthparents choose to only view the adoptive family profile and meet at the hospital with agency staff. A counselor at the adoption agency can help you with your adoption plan and talk with you about what feels comfortable to you.

It is important for birthparents and adoptive families to know that the level of contact/openness they choose for their adoption is their choice. Each adoption plan will look different and support the needs of those involved. Make sure to talk with the adoption counselor and let them know what you want in your adoption plan. Act of Love strives to help provide quality services that meet the needs of our clients. Call today to speak with a case worker or counselor to find out about the services available. 1-800-835-6360 24/7/365

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