SkylarSometimes the media frustrates me because of all the negativity, whether it is in regards to politics or religious beliefs. It sometimes appears to portray us as unfeeling or overly sensitive.

The attacks on women, children, healthcare, and general lifestyles are unhelpful for those who are facing an unexpected pregnancy and are not sure what they should do. If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy and considering adoption, or perhaps you simply do not know what to do, I can assure you that Act of Love is a place you can turn to for information on adoption and feel safe and loved.

For me, facing an unexpected pregnancy was devastating. The situation I was in was not a good one, and being pregnant under those particular circumstances truly broke my heart. When I decided to have an abortion, I knew it would be a secret I would keep to myself because I would be ostracized if anyone knew.

By divine providence, I got in contact with the staff at AOL, and I felt genuine warmth and compassion radiating through the phone. Because of their kindness, I felt good about considering adoption. I somehow felt at peace talking to the counselor and birth mom coordinator. They were so kind and patient. I knew just from talking to them on the phone that they were wonderful people who love their calling helping birth parents and prospective adoptive parents bring families together through the gift of adoption. I felt safe opening up to them about my situation and trusted that they were willing to support and comfort me should I choose to place my son for adoption.

I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have met them. When I walked into their office, I never felt as though they were judging me or labeling me for being an unwed mother. They were just as kind, warm, and understanding in person as they were on the phone.

Whatever circumstances you are facing in an unexpected pregnancy, whether you are married or unwed, in high school or well into your career, the staff at AOL will help you understand adoption so that you can choose if that is what is right for you and your baby. You will have an incredible support system throughout your adoption journey if you decide to place your child for adoption.

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