Please join Act of Love Adoption Agency as we partner with National Council for Adoption to help support women with confidential information and choices as they make their decision regarding an unplanned pregnancy.
The brand new iChooseAdoption website allows women to search for information on adoption in a private and secure manner. This new program allows women access to adoption information through real-life adoption stories. Birthmothers, adoptees, and adoptive families share their personal journeys with adoption through social media educational tools. This information provides an opportunity for women to make decisions about their future and the future of their child.

Visit the iChooseAdoption website to learn more about adoption, find answers to “Frequently Asked Questions”, hear from women who “chose” adoption and how adoption changed their life and the life of their child, listen to adoptees and adoptive families who share their love for those who chose adoption and find resources to help with an adoption plan.

This website also encourages individuals to share their adoption story with others. See these wonderful stories at For a Twitter feed

Act of Love is proud to have the opportunity to promote the great work that National Council for Adoption does EVERY day along with Act of Love. Act of Love celebrates the Heroes in adoption and the unconditional love that each woman who chooses adoption shows their child.

For information on making an adoption plan, open adoption plans, pregnancy counseling, housing assistance, relocation, medical assistance, financial assistance with pregnancy related expenses and support with your decision; contact Act of Love Adoption Agency at or 1-800-835-6360. Call today and speak with an adoption professional who is here to help you.

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