Update: Situation matched
Adoption Situation: Baby boy due around July 28, 2016
Expectant mom S is currently searching for an adoptive family for her baby boy that is expected to be born around July 28, 2016. Birth mom S identifies herself as Black/Irish and Hawaiian decent and the birth father as African American. S has asked Act of Love to help her find adoptive parents to adopt her baby and to continuing searching as she chooses the family that is right for her baby.
She is seeking an adoptive family that wants an open adoption similar to the post-adoption contact she has arranged with the family she placed her daughter with in 2014. S would like to meet the adoptive parents at some point. She would also like letters and pictures to be exchange through email. Birth parent S is needing a significant amount of assistance with her living and care.
S reports beginning her prenatal care the end of March 2016. Medical records and health and social history are available to approved Outreach families. She denies the use of alcohol during pregnancy. Her report is that she has used methamphetamine and marijuana during this pregnancy, as well as smoking 3-4 cigarettes per day.
Interested home study approved adoptive families that are looking for an open adoption should contact Act of Love, as soon as possible. Once approval is received in the AOL Outreach Program, further information on the situation will be made available. The minimal fee to the Outreach Program does not require a commitment to Act of Love and allows home study ready families another avenue to search for their baby.
Further information for the program can be found by clicking on this Outreach page link or viewing the tab on the website under the Adoptive Family tab at www.aactofloveadoptions.com. To submit your profile for consideration on this situation, please scan and email completed application packet along with your approved (within 1 year) home study, clearances and birth parent profile to outreach@aactofloveadoptions.com. Birth parents are presented and review profiles of AOL full-service adoptive families prior to reviewing approved AOL Outreach family profiles. S will continue to review the AOL full-service profiles and review Outreach family profiles as they become available and she requests further profiles.
Please call AOL staff Monday-Thursday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. MST and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at 1-888-767-7740 to get your adoption questions answered and find out how to become pre-approved in the Act of Love adoption programs. You may also email questions to outreach@aactofloveadoptions.com. It would be our pleasure to address your adoption needs and prepare you for future AOL adoption situations. All Act of Love situations are presented to full-service adoptive families prior to presenting to Outreach adoptive families.
Act of Love Adoptions is also happy to offer individual services to families and birth parents interested in completing an adoption, as well as agency assist and full adoption services. A free Adoption Orientation is offered, on the first Tuesday of every month beginning at 7:00 p.m. AOL will hold another Adoption Orientation on August 2, 2016 beginning at 7:00 p.m., at the Sandy offices. Please call and RSVP, if possible. The orientation offers a casual setting designed to provide educational information to adoptive families considering adoption along with information to experience a successful adoption before, during and after placement. Birth parents and adoptive families will be available to answer questions and share their stories. To speak with an adoption agency representative, call 801-572-1696 or 1-888-767-7740 to receive further information on the orientation or to schedule a free, private informational appointment. AOL looks forward to being able to support you with your adoption needs.