First and foremost, don’t conform your decisions to match those of societies’. You and you alone, are the only person who can make any decisions regarding your child. With that being said, let’s take a look at a few common myths associated with the adoption process.
Myth #1: A Loving Mother Would Never Give Her Baby Up For Adoption
This is arguably the most common (and dishonest) myth associated with the adoption process. It’s a myth for the simple fact that all birth mothers want the best for their babies- even if this means having them raised by adoptive parents. Adoption is actually a very responsible process that shows just how much a birth mother really loves her child.
Myth #2: My Child is Going to Hate Me
You gave your baby life, and it’s your duty as a mother to ensure that they grow up to become the best person they can be. This is something that their adoptive parents will be sure to explain to them as they get older. As a matter of fact, it’s more likely that your child is going to be interested in getting to know you when they get older rather than hate you.
Myth #3: Adopted Children Grow Up With Personality Disorders
Adopted children aren’t expected to do any better or poorer in life psychologically compared to children who were not adopted. Many studies have proven this, demonstrating no correlation between children who are adopted and personality disorders. Quite the contrary, placing your baby up for adoption will probably make them more likely to succeed. After all, the last thing you want is to try to raise a child when you aren’t ready financially, emotionally, or physically. These are the things that often result in personality disorders- not adoption.

To Receive Further Adoption Information and Consider Your Options: Contact Act of Love Adoptions today to receive personal one-on-one care and support.  Speak with an adoption professional and learn about open and closed adoptions, financial support for your pregnancy needs, medical care and counseling. Your contact is confidential and gives you a safe and caring person to talk with about your pregnancy and plans for your child. Speak to individuals with over twenty years of personal adoption experience and talk to women that have chosen the adoption process.  Call 24/7 1-800-835-6360 or text 801-450-0094.  Visit the website at www.aactofloveadoptions.com and the Act of Love Facebook.

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